Newark Farm Fresh


icon CFSD - A show place to demonstrate that a very low energy building can be built at market rate

We are not reinventing the wheel here - it's all about air sealing, reducing thermal bridges and insulating properly.

icon CFSD - A place for dedicated sustainable professionals to work together toward a common goal.

A one stop community for like-minded people, be it professionals or homeowners, to have access to the correct information needed to build for the future.

icon CFSD - A teaching place for sustainable construction including a hands on work shop and classrooms.

Classrooms for teaching professionals, the curious and the general public about the best practices in sustainable construction.



  • gallery 1
  • Going to be a very busy Summer
    Posted by : Reid

    For the last few years we have been trying to make our present location work - and it has - sorta. But......we have found a new location that will handle our needs for many years to come so it's time to move. [...]

  • gallery 2
    Posted by : Reid

    We are getting closer to a building design for our location. After considering many different building envelope designs, we are moving towards [...]

  • gallery 3
  • BioPhilic Design and why is important in design build
    Posted by : Reid

    Biophilia - The inherent human inclination to seek connections with nature. Biophilic design as it relates to building design incorporates [...]

  • gallery 4
  • Sanden Hot Water Heat Pump
    Posted by : Reid

    We are excited to announce that we have decided on the hot water system for this project. The Sanden hot water heat pump uses C02 as [...]

CFSD is located on 12 acres just north of Newark, Delaware on the corner of Wedgewood Road and Rt 896. Starting July 2016 we are assembling our design team and partners. Construction is scheduled to begin this Summer 2017. If your interested in sustainable design, feel free to contact us.

icon 1 375 Wedgewood Road Newark, Delaware 19711

icon 2 302.737.7741

icon 3www.newarkfaarmfresh.com

I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy, what a source of power. I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal run out, before we tackle that"